Works Consulted


Andrews, Elmer. "Aesthetics, Politics and Identity: Lady Morgan's The Wild Irish Girl." Canadian
    Journal of Irish Studies 12 (1987): 7-19.

"A Bit About Famous Owenson." Online. March 29, 2000.

Feldman, Paula R., ed. and Theresa M. Kelley, ed.  Romantic Women Writers Voices and
    Countervoices.  Hanover: University Press of New England, 1995.

Ferris, Ina.  "Narrating Cultural Encounter: Lady Morgan and the Irish National Tale."
    Nineteenth-Century Literature 51 (1996): 287-303.

Kenny, Herbert A.  Literary Dublin A History. New York: Taplinger Publishing, 1974.

"Lady  Morgan Sydney Owenson." Online. March 29, 2000.

Leersen, J. Th. "Fiction Poetics and Cultural Stereotype: Local Colour in Scott, Morgan, and Maturin."
    The Modern Language Review 87 (1991): 273-84.

Mellor, Anne K. and Richard Matlak. British Literature 1780-1830. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College
    Publishers, 1996.

Owenson, Sydney, Lady Morgan. The Wild Irish Girl.    Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Schlueter, Paul, and June Schleuter, ed. An Encyclopedia of British Women Writers.  New York:
    Garland Publishing, 1988.

Tracy, Robert. "Maria Edgeworth and Lady Morgan: Legality versus Legitimacy" Nineteenth-Century
    Literature 40 (1985): 1-22.

My Thoughts
Irish History
Myths and Traditions
Maps of Ireland